Recipies for huat kuey

a.150g rice flour
b.50g high protein flour
c.170 sugar(fine or super fine)
d.1tbs double action rising flour
e.200g 7up or any transparent soft drink

1. combine a,b,c & d slowly and evently
2. pour in e and mix well to form smooth batter
3. prepare steaming cup w lined paper cup
4. fill 90% batter(no.2) into each cup
5. steam for 15 minutes

enjoy steaming.


材料: 豬肉 240

青椒 1

紅椒 1

菠蘿 1

雞蛋 1/2

粟粉 3湯匙

調味料: 胡椒粉 少許


獻汁: 白醋 2-1/2湯匙


茄汁 1/2湯匙

粟粉 1湯匙


急汁 1/2茶匙

生抽 1茶匙

1. 豬肉洗淨、b乾、切大粒,加入調味料拌勻。
2. 青、紅椒去籽、洗淨、切塊。菠蘿切塊。
3. 預備獻汁。
4. 用中火油把豬肉炸熟,上碟。
5. 燒油1/2湯匙,炒青、紅椒,上碟。
6. 煮滾獻汁,加入所有材料,炒勻上碟。